Fall Gardening

Sunday, August 19, 2018 1:07 PM

Oftentimes fall vegetable gardens get overlooked because we don’t know what to plant or maybe we are just tired from our spring and summer gardens and ready to call it quits. Either way, growing fresh vegetables can be a year round activity. And, what you may not realize is that some of the best and tastiest vegetables are grown in the fall when warm sunny days and cool humid nights create wonderful growing conditions.

You can divide fall crops into two groups: “tender” and “semi-hardy.” “Tender” means these vegetables will need to reach full maturity and production before the first frost brings their season to an end. “Semi-hardy” means they may continue to grow and be harvested after several frosts. In NE Oklahoma, November 15th is our average first freeze date. So, unless something unusual happens (in Oklahoma?) you can have fresh vegetables straight from the vine until November and then refrigerate the rest for continued enjoyment.

With the cooler weather we are having (watch it change since I wrote that) now is the perfect time to plant a variety of both “tender” and “semi-hardy” crops. “Tender” varieties you could plant now would include: bush beans, lima beans, cucumber, and squash. “Semi-hardy” crops would include: cabbage and cauliflower (transplants), collards, potatoes (seed potatoes), kale, kohlrabi, lettuce (a little late, but I did anyway), parsnips, radish, swiss chard, and turnips.

Starting in September, you can plant garlic and onions, which are great crops to start in the fall as they grow all winter. If you do this, in late spring next year you can harvest fresh garlic and onions to last you the entire year (if you grew enough).

Mulch should be an important part of you garden strategy any time of year as mulch helps retain moisture as well as reduce weeding. In addition, mulch controls soil temperature swings during the day, which helps keep those tender roots happy.